My laptop is having a bad day . He is not working properly and is crashing again and again . He must be feeling bad about himself deep down . Maybe he wants to say " sorry " to me but just can't because he doesn't know how to say so . No , I'm not high . I just want to you to notice this little fact that there is a reason our lives are not constant . We do not have constant days of happiness and we also cannot have constant days of  grief . This special little fruit platter called life which has been served to us by nature tastes good only because of its perfect mixture of sweet and sour moments. Life has no flat lines . We are bound to have good days in life and some days can suck. The trick is to appreciate both the days .And there is a very specific reason for that. We'll be bored out of our lives if things just go smoothly for our 80 or 100 years of life here on earth. We learn the art of living by experiencing these moments. How we react to them. And how we react to them turns into our experience later on for the next big moment. We cannot control what will life throw at us , but we can control what to do with it. Experiencing life without hardships is like a bland dish. You will eat it eventually ( if there are no options) but you will never enjoy it .

So just enjoy the good times and be patient in the bad ones.

Stay Happy !
